Building the Future

Over recent years, the mission of planting campuses across East Texas has become firmly embedded in our hearts.  Our congregations and communities in East Texas have faithfully carried the vision of expansion and generously contributed to the growth of New Covenant. Together, stepping forward in faith, let's embrace the journey to continue God's incredible work.


The Launch of our Second Location

Through the giving of many over many years, in January of 2023 we were able to purchase 26 acres of land and multiple buildings on Loop 281 in Longview, TX to give a home to our North Campus which was previously leasing space in a strip mall.  We truly believe that God has done more than we could ever ask or imagine with opening this door to set us up, not only for the now, but for generations to come!

We put $2.4 million down and currently owe $3.1 million for the 26 acres and 46,000 sq footage of buildings that we have purchased. We are believing God for much more than that to get it taken care of!


What We've Done So Far

North Campus

We put $2.4 million down and currently owe $3.4 million for the 26 acres and 46,000 sq footage of buildings that we have purchased. We are believing God for much more than that to get it taken care of!

Building the Future

Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to renovate our children's spaces at both locations in 2023 to make space for the new families and kids God has brought to New Covenant! The next generation is the generation of today!










Whether you're looking to share your faith goal or give,
let's see this God-given vision come to pass!

PRAY: First is to pray for God’s supernatural provision for all that we need to get it paid off. Pray for the future families that have yet to meet Jesus that will come to Him at both campuses now that we have more room to accommodate them. Pray for laborers for the harvest that’s coming! 

GIVE: Second, you can give. Ask God how He would want you to give toward what God is doing in our church. Some of you, God may ask to give sacrificially. We know every time we step out in faith in obedience to God He proves Himself faithful to us! You can give by the link below or you can contact the church on how to give by check or other means.

PLEDGE: Third, you can pledge this year. Collectively, we are believing for $1 million this year towards the Building the Future campaign. Whether you're looking to give one gift or make a pledge for the year, let's see this God-given vision come to pass. 

SERVE: Lastly, you can join a serve team and be a part of what God is doing in East Texas!

GIVE Financially

Give Online

Your giving is making a difference!  Click here to give towards building the future.


Pledge Online

Your giving is making a difference!  Click here to make your pledge for our building the future. campaign